Wednesday, December 15, 2010

YouTube/Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin the 4 horsemen of SEO

Some might think social media is for kids but what they don't understand is social media is the future and the NOW. The yellow pages don't fit in your back pocket but your smart phone does. I'm sorry to say but print is dying fast or dead already. With smart phones and mobile wireless internet access anyone can do a Google search in seconds. Google even accepts speech so all you have to say is "pizza" and Google does the rest.

So, now you are asking how do I get to be on the first page of Google? The answer is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). What helps create good SEO for your website? VIDEO! A video can be uploaded to YouTube and placed on Facebook and Twitter. Now, if that video has a link back to your website you just created SEO GOLD my friend.

Here is another "what if" What if your video goes viral? Viral means that your video keeps getting forwarded to friend of friends of friends and so on. This is where you become a household name which can be in a matter of hours. WOW!

BUT WAIT! That isn't even the best part! The best part is all this advertising if FREE! Please contact See What I See Productions and we'll help you on your way to the future of advertising.

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